
In this new world of the Covid-19 pandemic, travel has become almost an impossibility. If you want to keep yourself safe, it’s pretty much out of the question. If you are crazy (yes, crazy) enough to get on a plane for a recreational holiday right now, you had better be ready for biggest hassle of your life.

That’s why VR is carving out a progressively bigger place in tourism. It’s being used more and more every single day, helping people experience other parts of the world that they’d only see if they got on an airplane in the not-so-distant past.

The VR and AR market was already worth around $18 billion in 2018. For obvious reasons, this is expected to increase to $209 billion by the time 2022 rolls around. This is exponential growth. If you’re in the travel and tourism industry, VR is set to become a huge part of your life.

Using VR as a Tourism Board – Leverage VR in Tourism

At the moment it’s impossible to travel, but what if you could still give a guided fam trip to people and make them feel completely immersed? That’s what we do at Hoppin.’

If you run a tourist board, you can make VR a major part of its operations. How? By offering Virtual Fam Trips. Fam trips are an important part of any tourism board or tourism business or operation generally, and now you can do them for a much lower cost (while still reaping all the benefits of new clients and more revenue).

When you use VR in tourism, you’re able to save an enormous amount of money and time, bringing people on live personalized guided tours of all the best that your city or destination has to offer in a controlled environment. You won’t have to worry about unexpected weather problems, traffic hassles, or anything else.

Tourism boards and their clients can use VR to bring people directly to the chosen location and make them feel what it’s like to be there in real life. And with Hoppin’, it allows you and your clients to meet as avatars in a virtual space that includes 360° videos and 360° pictures representing the real-world location.

With Hoppin’, you first send your prospect a headset. You’ll then be able to meet them virtually and act as their guide, showing them the location of your choice. At that point, you can close the deal. Just imagine how much you’ll boost your revenue as a result of this opportunity.

VR is a revolutionary tool for travel companies. It means that you can actually give your potential customers the experience of a place rather than just using pictures and videos. All that is needed is a simple setup and VR glasses for yourself and the potential customer.

With VR, you can show potential customers their accommodation options. This is incredibly helpful, as worry and uncertainty about the quality of accommodations is a major factor that makes people hesitant about booking a trip. Now you can overcome this hurdle right from the get-go. Check out this video to get a better idea of what the experience might look like for potential clients when you’re showing them accommodation options virtually.

Using VR as an Experience Provider – Showcase Your Destination

Having 360° pictures or videos of your location means you can better showcase your destination. You have full control of everything your tour group members see, and you can make sure they see all the best the city has to offer.

VR is the tool you need if you’re an experience provider. After all, being able to offer 360° pictures and videos of your location and what you have to offer is the best possible way to showcase the experience you want to sell.

Let’s take a quick look at an example of how you can use VR is if you’re looking for travel agencies to promote and sell your experience. If you’re selling a whale watching expedition, you usually need to bring representatives from several travel agencies to see and experience your offering. With Covid-19, you cannot do this, but what you can do is bring them to experience it virtually.

Using VR as an Aspiring Traveler – Travel Virtually To Plan Your Real Trips

VR is also a revolutionary tool for travelers. In this new world of Covid-19, it’s almost impossible to physically travel long distances anywhere safely. VR makes it possible to have the full travel experience without any of the hassles or dangers.

Check out some of the available VR apps that let you travel from the comfort and safety of your home. Some of the best include Wander, Alcove, AltspaceVR, and Hoppin.’ Even if you don’t have a VR headset, you can still sometimes find 360° content online or on the Hoppin’ website. This site is a new site that will grow with time, so make sure to check periodically.

Take a look at this fantastic demo of what the VR experience with Hoppin’ looks like. As a VR traveler with Hoppin’, you will experience all the sights and sounds of your chosen location.

VR Business Travel – Skip the Plane Rides and Get a Virtual Tour

VR presents an incredible opportunity for businesspeople wanting to set up meetings around the world without having to travel. You can create a live face-to-face meeting with prospects, clients, and collaborators. VR for business meetings can save huge amounts of money and time for you and your clients alike.

When you use the Multi-user Social VR and 360° Videos available from Hoppin’, you enjoy a VRaaS solution that lets you interact with people in your chosen space. Imagine all the prospects you can make into new clients by bringing them to an impressive location quickly and easily via VR.


It’s time to get a Quest headset and go explore the world in a new way, together with friends. After all, that’s what we’re all about at Hoppin’. The Oculus Quest is your All-in-One VR solution. Its system, Oculus Insight, makes sure your movements are always accurately translated into VR. The Quest headset has built-in positional audio, too.

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